霍华德·斯特恩 Howard Stern

  • 别名:Beth Ostrosky Stern(妻) / Alison Berns(前妻)
  • 性别:
  • 星座:摩羯座
  • 出生日期:1954-01-12
  • 出生地:美国,纽约,皇后区,杰克逊高地
  • 职业:编剧 / 制片人 / 演员 / 导演



Howard Allan Stern (born January 12, 1954) is an American radio and television personality, producer, author, actor, and photographer. He is best known for his radio show The Howard Stern Show, which gained popularity when it was nationally syndicated on terrestrial radio from 1986 to 2005. Stern has broadcast on Sirius XM Radio since 2006.