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When Tack upsets ZigZag the Vizier, the wizard drags him off to the royal castle, where Princess YumYum falls for the bashful boy and saves him from execution. Unfortunately, ZigZag plans to marry the Princess in order to succeed her father, King Nod. The Thief, meanwhile, is **** interested in gold than love and takes off with the protective orbs topping the palace. Together, ...

正在播放:小偷与鞋匠阿拉伯骑士 。 更新于03-12 10:55,播放来源于优酷。





小偷与鞋匠阿拉伯骑士在线观看。 更新于03-12 10:55,播放来源于优酷。


剧情介绍:阿拉伯骑士-When Tack upsets ZigZag the Vizier, the wizard drags him off to the royal castle, where Princess YumYum falls for the bashful boy and saves him from execution. Unfortunately, ZigZag plans to marry the Princess in order to succeed her father, King Nod. The Thief, meanwhile, is **** interested in gold than love and takes off with the protective orbs topping the palace. Together, ...——新小兵播放提供。